Kariba Municipality


Engineer Ndumiso Nyaningwe is the Director of Engineering Services at the Municipality of Kariba a post he holds since 2009. Engineer Nyaningwe has vast experience in Civil Engineering specialising in Water Supply and Sanitation. He once worked for the Bulawayo City Council as an Engineer in the Water Distribution Section before joined CNM & Partners as a Consultant. He also worked as the Town Engineer for Victoria Falls Municipality and later on joined the Zimbabwe National Water Authority as Water Supply Engineer heading the Water Supply Section. He also had a stint at Colic Construction (Botswana) as Site Agent. Engineer Nyaningwe is a registered member of Zimbabwe Institute of Engineers and also an associate member of South African Institute of Civil Engineers.


The main duties of the Department is to provide technical services to the local authority e.g. project development; preparing of all planning issue/matter for the town in line with Regional, Town and Country Planning Act; controlling and monitoring development within the town’s boundaries in line with model building by-laws; spearheading the provision of land development infrastructural services such water, sewerage, storm drainage and road network; Liaising with other stakeholder on infrastructural development with Municipal boundaries e.g. ZESA, Telone, Department of Physical Planning AND give support to other sister department within Council structures.

Water and Sewerage Section

The section’s core duties are treatment raw water to specified quality to meet the WHO standards; maintenances of both sewer and water reticulation system; collection of sewage effluent to sewage works for treatment; carrying out water and sewer connections; monitoring and controlling of quality of water supplies and sewage effluent; distribution of water to all consumers and unblocking of sewer blockages

Transport and Workshop Section

The section is responsible for maintenance of all council fleet, plant and equipment, management of council fleet of vehicles and equipment and distribution of transport to other Departments

Electrical and Mechanical Sections

The sections is responsible for maintenance of pumps and motors at all water and sewerage stations; maintenance of street lighting AND carrying out repairs on all mechanical and electrical installations within Council.

Roads and Civil Works Sections

Core duties of the sections are maintenance of road network system including storm drains and all road signs; maintenance of buildings AND carrying out carpentry works on council building structures

Town Planning and Building Inspectorate Section

The section is responsible for the preparation of statutory planning and development control documents and implementing the provisions of the same by facilitating, guiding, controlling, monitoring and enforcing developments and activities on land as envisioned in the provisions of the operative Master Plan, Local Plans, Layout Plans and policy prescriptions.

The Town Planning and Development Control Section is also responsible for Research and Development and Development Control through building plan approvals; processing subdivision and consolidation applications; change of use; change of reservations and special consent.